the latest from 2am Media

Posts Tagged ‘Web Design’

7 Jun

Magento bought by eBay


Long ago 2am decided to pick one of the open source ecommerce platforms and focus on getting really good at it. We chose chose the market leading ecommerce software: Magento. It’s fair to say that we are by now mighty Magento developers.

eBay recently validated this choice with their recent acquisition of Magento.


13 May

2am at 10 Downing Street


From time to time 2am’s projects get reviewed by various members of the establishment, however last night our latest education project was given the seal of approval by no less than the British Prime Minister.


12 Apr

The Future of Web Design: What’s Changed With The Arrival of the iPad and other Tablets?


Last year saw the arrival of the iPad, an event which seems to have brought with it a wide range of new places to see browsers, suits and geeks. An activity which was once limited to home, library or work; sitting at the computer. Now we are free to walk, sit, lounge or hang upside-down if we want to, and lets face it someone will. This new more deeply interactive way of using a computer has caused a further need for a rethink from web designers such as 2am. iPads require designs to be made with them specifically in mind. Especially as they seem to have gained enough popularity to be a key part of the world of computers for at least the foreseeable future (the launch of the iPad 2 has cemented their position at the top of the tablet market).


11 Feb

The Shredding Alliance


Working with an existing brand identity, 2am developed a contemporary and striking website for this alliance of local independent shredding companies who are aiming to leverage their combined resources to compete with much larger national companies in the same market sector.

The website was designed to optimise coverage for the Alliance and to introduce their services to a much wider customer base. Within weeks of launch, the new site was already attracting attention which has subsequently led to new streams of revenue for the group.

10 Feb

Ivory Dental Redesigned Website Goes Live


2am Media was approached by Ivory Dental to facelift the design of their existing website to reflect the opening of a second dental practice, furthermore we moved the website onto a new content management system to give the team the flexibility to keep the website up to date internally.

As a healthcare provider Ivory Dental is a prime example of 2am’s continuing specialization in this key vertical.

For more information please visit Ivory Dental alternatively if you are looking for a dental web design why not give us a call now? We’re a friendly bunch!

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If you've got a web design or internet marketing project in mind and you think we're the team for you, pop in for a coffee and a chat...

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