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Posts Tagged ‘linking’

29 Jan

How to do link building on a budget


Link building is one of the most effective ways of getting your site to the top of Google. It can also be one of the most expensive methods.

Why give something away on your website?

Think about what you do, and what has high value to your clients and potential clients which is relatively low value to you. For example I once had our developers create an “SEO checker” essentially this was on the homepage of the website, it allowed the visitor to check the keyword density, page load speed of their site etc. It took a developer a couple of days to figure out, but once we got this live on the site it generated loads of back links, kept people coming back to the site and even captured people’s data which we then followed up on.


14 Dec

What’s the best website layout for search engine optimisation (SEO)


In this article I’ll look at the best layout and design elements for SEO. The most important factor in designing a webpage layout is usability. Remember if the user experience isn’t right, your site won’t convert and it will probably have a high bounce rate, this in turn will negatively affect your search engine rankings.

As you’re reading this blog you probably have a bit of understanding about HTML/CSS and how to carry out the keyword research necessary to target competitive and transactional keywords.


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