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Posts Tagged ‘link building’

1 Oct

Link Building – Back to Basics


1. Continually expand your link portfolio and the number of domains linking back to your site.

Set a goal for the number of links you need to acquire per week, to start off with you may say 10 links per week, that should do for a reasonable size site.

Get links from different domains – remember Google can tell if your link portfolio all come from the same place.


8 Feb

What is an HTML Link?


Links are one of the fundamental aspects of web marketing, if you’ve got a website, want to promote your website, or just make sure you want your visitors to have the best user experience you are going to have to become a Link Master.


14 Jan

Think NoFollow Still Works? So did SEOmoz – Now they don’t.


Whilst on my Christmas holidays I was having a read of some of the SEO blogs to keep up to date and I read an article by SEOmoz claiming that PageRank sculpting using nofollow still works. I almost fell off my chair!!


18 Dec

Why Build Microsites? The Hub and Spoke Marketing Model


Is it best to have multiple websites or just one?

When discussing internet marketing “hub and spoke marketing” refers to the creation of an authority website (the hub) off which you ‘hang’ related niche websites (the spokes).


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