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Archive for the ‘google’ Category

29 Jun

Voice Search on Google


A while ago I talked about the future of seo and the internet in general when it came to adapting what we do for people in automobiles.


29 Jun

27 Jun

What is Google Panda 2.2?


Earlier in 2011 Google announced they had launched a new update in the USA. Initially the update affected a massive amount of the rankings (around 12%) , they sent the course of the next month tweaking like crazy and before they finally decided it was ready to be unleashed on the rest of the world. Fortunately, the new version of Panda was a bit more forgiving. Google have continued to work on their new algorithm and Panda 2.2 is the latest incarnation.


24 Jun

What are the ethical issues surrounding personalisation in search?


I’m going to begin this blog with a slight warning, it may be negative, and wasting the time of busy people is something that I’d hate to do, so here you go: the ethics of personalisation online and the issues which might arise as a result. I understand that it is not something that everyone will be very interested in so I don’t mind if you decide not to read on.


17 Jun

Why is it important to advertise online?


Now-a-days, consumers are being exposed to more and more media. Due to the combination of this media explosion with an increasing level of ad avoidance, the future for some more “traditional” media seems bleak. New media for example, the internet which is relatively new, are competing with old “traditional” media.


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