the latest from 2am Media

Archive for July, 2010

30 Jul

2am Media Launch Hotel Booking Engine:


2am Media are proud to announce the launch of our newest web application:

BookitWith has been developed on behalf of umi Hotels to replace their existing booking engine that lacked usability and which users often commented seemed antiquated.


22 Jul

How to get some good ideas for copywriting


There’s no such thing as writers block – writers block is probably just your minds way of telling you you’ve nothing good to write about.

The trouble with internet marketing is you have to keep writing – you have to keep that churn going because you are competing in a noisy market place to attract the most number of people – whoever shouts the loudest is likely to be able to get more customers – that means writing as much as possible and getting it out there, that also means you’ve probably made the same point a few times by now and you’re not sure how you can repackage it and bring some fresh thoughts to it.


12 Jul

Google Places: Changes to how it’s Displayed in Search Results


Google have rolled out changes to the way a places account is displayed in Local Onebox in the search results. I think this is a permament change as I’ve used a number of IPs to check it out and they all reflect the same change.


8 Jul

How to Use Twitter for Copywriting


Just about everyone and their dog is on Twitter – if you’re not you should be, the thing is everyone has a Twitter account and most of them are inactive, or they aren’t being used to there best advantage.


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