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Archive for the ‘PageRank’ Category

1 Oct

Link Building – Back to Basics


1. Continually expand your link portfolio and the number of domains linking back to your site.

Set a goal for the number of links you need to acquire per week, to start off with you may say 10 links per week, that should do for a reasonable size site.

Get links from different domains – remember Google can tell if your link portfolio all come from the same place.


15 Apr

Changes to Search Engine Marketing on Google


The internet continues to grow on a daily basis at a relentless pace and it’s fare to say this is because of and impacting on search marketing as a marketing channel.


3 Apr

PageRank Updated 3rd April 2010


The PageRank export has begun. We should get a real indication of how our sites have been performing over the last few months by the end of the weekend.


19 Mar

Is Google Updating?


Is Google in the process of an update? I have recently seen some strange results in the search rankings and wonder if Google have made some changes to their algorithm that they are still ironing the bugs out of.


16 Mar

Next PageRank Update Prediction: March 2010?


It’s that time of year again when all of us SEO geeks, who will tell you over and over again that the PageRank displayed in the Google Toolbar doesn’t really matter, all collectively change our minds and wait with baited breath to get an idea of how our optimisation efforts have been rewarded by the PageRank metric.


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