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Archive for January, 2010

29 Jan

Is the iPad Apple’s swan song or the future?


In the office we all work on Macs, we all have iPhones, most of us have iPods, some of us have MacBooks – however the iPad has really stirred up a bit of debate internally.

I may have all the gadgets but I’m not exactly an Apple-a-phile. I’m wondering just what the point of the iPad actually is. Ok so it’s too small for desk top use, too big to be an iPod – doesn’t make calls so doesn’t compete with the iPhone, there’s no camera on it – seems to me to be a costly white elephant.

There again, some of the guys here reckon that it would be perfect for sitting in front of the TV with and using it like a laptop. Maybe, I think the verdict’s still out on this one.

Apple think this is the future and who knows some people are certainly excited about it. We’ll see.

29 Jan

Good Luck for Saturday for Fleetwood Town FC


As kit sponsors 2am are keenly anticipating tomorrows clash between league leaders Fleetwood Town FC at home and struggling Hinckley United.

Good luck to the Cod Army!

29 Jan

How to do link building on a budget


Link building is one of the most effective ways of getting your site to the top of Google. It can also be one of the most expensive methods.

Why give something away on your website?

Think about what you do, and what has high value to your clients and potential clients which is relatively low value to you. For example I once had our developers create an “SEO checker” essentially this was on the homepage of the website, it allowed the visitor to check the keyword density, page load speed of their site etc. It took a developer a couple of days to figure out, but once we got this live on the site it generated loads of back links, kept people coming back to the site and even captured people’s data which we then followed up on.


28 Jan

Nikki wins 2am’s guess the sweets in the jar game


Nikki won the Guess The Number Of Sweets In The Little Glass Jar At Lunch Time Competition with the correct guess of 42 sweets.


26 Jan

How to gain traffic with seo optimised web design


We’ve always known that our designs are some of the best out there and every website we build is optimised to attract the most traffic, and we never start a web design and build without carrying out keyword research.

What’s more our designs are so impressive that they often get increased traffic simply because other designers want to see what we’re up to!

If your designs are worth their salt you’re going to want to shout about them and that’s exactly what we do at 2am, we always let other designers review our sites which means our designs are not just reviewed by our designers but literally tens of thousands of designers around the world. The results you can get back from this approach are simply amazing, in terms of traffic volumes and also in terms of the feedback we get about our designs.

Below you will see examples of how additional traffic has arrived at 2am websites after they have gone live:


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