the latest from 2am Media

Archive for December, 2009

21 Dec

What to expect from the search engines in 2010?


Is the search market a two horse race?

It will be by the end of 2010 after Yahoo starts using Bing as its search engine provider.

The split is likely to be about 80 / 20 in favour of Google, however it’s likely that Bing will become far more important in the search marketing field as the two search engines generate some real market competition.


18 Dec

Why Build Microsites? The Hub and Spoke Marketing Model


Is it best to have multiple websites or just one?

When discussing internet marketing “hub and spoke marketing” refers to the creation of an authority website (the hub) off which you ‘hang’ related niche websites (the spokes).


17 Dec

umi Hotel Group site on development site for feedback


2am Media has soft launched the new umi Hotel Group’s website onto our development server and is actively seeking comments on the new designs.

umi Groups Dev Site

Please review the site at please post your comments and feedback against this post.

EDIT: This site is now live. Feel free to check it out and leave any feedback here.

16 Dec

Merry Christmas From 2am Media


2am Media's Last Supper

We will be closing our doors for Christmas on: Tuesday 22nd of December, and re-opening on: Monday 4th January in the New Year…

Thank you for all your business in 2009.

We look forward to working with you in 2010.

14 Dec

What’s the best website layout for search engine optimisation (SEO)


In this article I’ll look at the best layout and design elements for SEO. The most important factor in designing a webpage layout is usability. Remember if the user experience isn’t right, your site won’t convert and it will probably have a high bounce rate, this in turn will negatively affect your search engine rankings.

As you’re reading this blog you probably have a bit of understanding about HTML/CSS and how to carry out the keyword research necessary to target competitive and transactional keywords.


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