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Posts Tagged ‘search marketing’

27 Jun

What is Google Panda 2.2?


Earlier in 2011 Google announced they had launched a new update in the USA. Initially the update affected a massive amount of the rankings (around 12%) , they sent the course of the next month tweaking like crazy and before they finally decided it was ready to be unleashed on the rest of the world. Fortunately, the new version of Panda was a bit more forgiving. Google have continued to work on their new algorithm and Panda 2.2 is the latest incarnation.


8 Oct

Google little blue arrow takes effect


Recently Google has been making changes, but this time the changes seem to be largely changes to the visitor interface (commonly know as the Jazz interface).


15 Apr

Changes to Search Engine Marketing on Google


The internet continues to grow on a daily basis at a relentless pace and it’s fare to say this is because of and impacting on search marketing as a marketing channel.


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