the latest from 2am Media

12 Apr

Google Announces Panda Update Throughout The English Speaking World


Well. we’ve all been waiting with baited breath to see what the impact of the Panda update would be. About a month ago Google announced they had launched a new update that aimed to reduce the low quality sites and pages from its index, they estimated around 12% of the index would be effected. In SEO terms, that, is MASSIVE!!

So they did their testing in the US first and the fact that they decided to announce this update meant it was bound to be a big one. It’s taken a month for them to kindly let us know that the Google Panda Update will be rolling out throughout the rest of the English speaking world, to much less fanfar I might add!

How bad is the Panda Update?

Tellingly, they’ve stated that although the original Panda update affected around 12% of the index, the new improved Panda update affects around 2%, which although slightly more modest is still a big number for us to get our heads around. Read more about it here:

How are 2am’s sites doing?

It’s still early doors, but so far so good there has been an upsurge in many of our client’s websites that would correlate to Google trying to reward higher quality websites. Long may it continue!

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