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22 Jul

How to get some good ideas for copywriting


There’s no such thing as writers block – writers block is probably just your minds way of telling you you’ve nothing good to write about.

The trouble with internet marketing is you have to keep writing – you have to keep that churn going because you are competing in a noisy market place to attract the most number of people – whoever shouts the loudest is likely to be able to get more customers – that means writing as much as possible and getting it out there, that also means you’ve probably made the same point a few times by now and you’re not sure how you can repackage it and bring some fresh thoughts to it.

Don’t worry this happens to everyone; even the most creative copywriters I’ve ever worked with have experienced this.

Where should you look for inspiration for copy?

A technique used by many writers is to create a swipe file. Whenever you find an article that’s of interest copy it and save it into your swipe file. Whenever you need inspiration refer back to these articles and you have a whole bank of ideas and angles to go at.

Another great way is to keep a local calendar that details all the holidays such as bank holidays, school holidays etc, you can research the holidays in more detail to add in informative localised and date specific information to your copy.

How to use an online survey to get inspiration for copy?

Most businesses own a website, so why not make your visitors work for you.  When they come onto your site ask them a few questions, you could have a poll rotating through a few standard questions, after a while you’ll get some good information and statistics – and statistics are always a great starting point for an article. Make sure you are keeping all your results in your swipe file and refer back to them when you are looking at other articles, you might get some interesting correlations.

How to use hoaxes to get some good traffic and content

Hoaxes and myths are often a very overlooked source of copy inspiration and information for your swipe file.

There is a massive amount of readership for these types of things and relatively few corporate copywriters tap into it.

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