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26 Oct

What is Query Deserves Freshness (QDF)


Sometimes strange things seem to happen in search results. You can rank for something for a few days and then completely drop off. Ever wondered why?

Google search results are produced by running all of Google’s data about websites through various algorithms. One of these real-time orientated algorithms is call Query Deserves Freshness (QDF), the job of this algorithm is to give you new content a chance.

Definition of Query Deserves Freshness (QDF) Algorithm

The QDF Algorithm favours the most recent content over old content, however this is only true when search terms grow rapidly in number of queries being made on them.

Why was QDF introduced?

QDF was introduced to attempt to compensate for Google’s bias towards older content. This is generally beneficial to News sites and Blog sites – however it can be used by us SEOs to keep our sites ranking where they need to be.

How to benefit from QDF?

If you want to benefit from this then you need to do a numer of things – you need to be building social media links back to the page, you need to be searching and encouraging other people to searchfor the phrase you’re ranking for and trying to rank for. Ultimately this continued effort at ranking for a certain position will give you a degree of consolidation that means your page will become more stuck to the position it’s got to through QDF.

Also, if you’re business is able to tap into the most recent search queries as they are happening there is a very good possibly you can get pages ranked – that could mean having the BBC News up on a screen in the office!

Although QDF is a factor in Google’s real-time arsenal it’s not as effective as their Real-Time results and benefit from staying in the ranking longer.

Get in touch with 2am to find out how we can help you benefit from Google’s real-time search offering and other areas of search engine optimisation.

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