the latest from 2am Media

8 Feb

Should I advertise my brand name or domain?


A trend in advertising that drives traffic back to the web is to rely on the brand, this has been enough to get most people to your website, especially if the brand is a big one so less advertisers have been displaying their domain.

With the launch of Google’s personalisation of search it’s likely that less and less advertisers will rely just on the brand when driving traffic back to the web, it will be necessary to include the domain to create an association of the brand and domain in audiences mind.

In the age of personalisation of search, if you drive even one visitor to another website you are having a negative impact on your domains ability to maintain its dominance over your organisations brand terms.

Keep your eye out in all displaying advertising over the space of this year to see how companies start to realise the implications of personalisation of search – it will probably take the mainstream advertising agencies a while to get up to speed – but those with well integrated web departments may be on this a bit quicker.

Time will tell with that one.

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