the latest from 2am Media

3 Dec

Our new website is live… finally


It’s been a long time in the making, but our new web site is finally up and running.

Some of the new features of the site include a lovely new portfolio section, which we promise to keep up to date this time. We also intend to keep this blog regularly updated with web design and SEO tutorials, the latest goings on at the 2am Media office and lots more.

We will be launching the all new 2am Design website pretty soon, as well as a frightening number of new sites for our clients which is going to keep us busy for a while. We’ll keep you posted.

Enjoy the new site.

3 Responses to “Our new website is live… finally”

  1. Richard S Davies

    Great website, loving the redesign, nice subtle use of cufon in the first paragraph, and never realised you could have underlined mouseovers (in the SEOMoz/NoFollow post)

  2. Ryan

    Thank you for the kind words Richard. To be honest, the underline on mouseover is a bit hit and miss in different browsers, but it would be a good feature. Glad you like the site.

  3. eric

    really like the website deisgn. colours and type work really well together :-)

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