the latest from 2am Media

Archive for the ‘Fun Stuff’ Category

9 Feb

Whack a Willy


whack a willy

This game has been developed by 2am; however, it has not been distributed within Blackpool’s NHS and Councils Teenage pregnancy campaign. The game uses graphics incorporated within this campaign. 2am have developed this game to engage the target audience by making a tricky situation into something more light hearted and fun to use. By doing so we are making the audience aware of the primary message “Wear a Condom”.

Willy Whacking League

Are you good at Whacking Willies? Have a bash at it! Play the game and we will start a league going to see who is best. Remember, only whack the unprotected willies or else you’ll be penalised!

Leave your comments about the game – let us know your thoughts.

Disclaimer: Repetitive Willy Whacking may cause wrist strain

28 Jan

Nikki wins 2am’s guess the sweets in the jar game


Nikki won the Guess The Number Of Sweets In The Little Glass Jar At Lunch Time Competition with the correct guess of 42 sweets.


19 Jan

New Reception Sign


2am Reception

So the MD goes away on a snow boarding trip and leaves us lot with a task – seeing as he has spent the reception sign money on his new snow board we had to make the sign. We were given the ‘e’ and the ‘n’ and the task was to make a letter each to form “reception”.

We had a week to ensure that this was done – the letters were handed out and away we went – as you can see we have all done a fabulous job and have been creative with our letters. The MD loves it and has now said that he is away again next month and that we need to produce enough electricity to power the office for February, March & April to pay for the next trip – that will teach us for being so inventive!

P.S. – I think that ‘R’ looks the best…


18 Jan

2am Media finally gets Twittered up!


Yes its true! We have eventually got our account set up just as Stephen Fry & Katie Price threaten to quit it & rehab opens up for twitter addiction – we thought we’d give it a go and see which way we will end up…

If you would like to follow our tweets .

12 Jan

Snowman photos


Those of you who regularly read the 2am Media blog will recall that last week the UK was covered with snow and I posted a picture of me and a snowman.


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