Search Engine Maximization

    You’ve all heard about search engine optimisation, well at 2am we believe this term is outdated. Search Engine Optimisation tends to focus on onsite optimisation and link building for keywords that have an effect on the natural/organic rankings of a website.

    At 2am we talk about search engine maximization – taking your web presence to the MAX!!

    What is Search Engine Maximization?

    Search engine maximization is a combination of various search marketing techniques that incorporates everything from copy writing, onsite optimisation, link building, social media management, pay per click, local business optimisation to online PR and other online reputation management techniques – we mix all these together with a healthy bit of usability auditing, web analytics and even web design.

    How will your business benefit from Search Engine Maximization?

    Whilst you competitors are busy researching and carrying out search engine optimisation they are missing the bigger picture; that search engine optimisation can no longer be viewed as a solitary internet marketing strategy, it’s one element of the internet marketing mix that is increasingly being affected by usability as well as the changing way in which the internet is being used as a tool.

    We don’t talk about rankings, that’s so 2005, we talk about visibility, we talk about conversion rate, we talk about the amount of times a link to your website has been viewed and how many times it’s been acted on.

    In short, Search Engine Maximization is the future of how your website will interact with search engines. Your visitors will reach your site and think: “BOOM!!!” this is exactly what I’m looking for.

    Get in touch with 2am and find out how we can help your business become search engine maximized, call us , email or contact us through the contact on the contact page.

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