multivariate testing and analysis

    You’ve invested all that time in building a wsebsite, you’ve got a PPC, SEO and email marketing campaign, you’re getting traffic to your website, however you’re still not converting those visitors into customers.

    It’s a fact that most website owners fail to make the most of their website visitors, failing to convert what could be a major revenue stream. 2am Media carry out Multivariate testing and analysis of your website, boosting your onsite potential by converting a greater number of visitors into paying customers.

    What is website multivariate testing?

    Traditionally when making schanges to a web page the advice is to make just one change at a time, then you can trace back to see what effect that change has had. This was as true for split or A/B testing as well. Multivariate testing allows you to track the impact of all the changes you’ve made to a site without having to increase the volume of traffic to the website.

    Speak to 2am Media and find out how your website can benefit from multivariate testing and analyis.

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